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Example Code

The Bpod_Gen2 repository provides example code at two levels.

State Machines

In /Examples/State Machines/, each file demonstrates a different aspect of trial creation using AddState(), AddGlobalTimer(), AddGlobalCounter() and AddCondition().

To run these examples:

  • run the example .m file to create local variable sma, a struct containing the trial's state machine description.

  • At the MATLAB command prompt, run: SendStateMachine(sma); to send the state machine description to the Bpod State Machine device via USB.

  • At the MATLAB command prompt, run: RawEvents = RunStateMachine(); The machine will then enter the first state, beginning the trial. When the trial ends, event and state timestamps will be returned as a struct in RawEvents.

Complete Protocols

In /Examples/Protocols/, a variety of simple behavioral protocols is given as a starting point for custom protocol development. The examples showcase usage of Bpod hardware modules and software plugins. Several also demonstrate protocols that utilize TrialManager() instead of RunStateMachine() to eliminate inter-trial "Dead time".

Calibration Files

In /Examples/Calibration Files/, example files are given for liquid delivery and sound. These are automatically copied to the /Bpod_Local/ directory on installation so that protocols can run and the user can verify the installation. The examples must be replaced before data collection by running calibration.