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Smart Servo Module Serial Interface


Allows the state machine or PC to control Dynamixel X-series servos using the Bpod Smart Servo Module.

Requires a Bpod Smart Servo module with firmware loaded from:

The Smart Servo module must be connected to a module port on the state machine to use the state machine interface.

State Machine Command Interface

The state machine command interface consists of bytes sent from the Bpod state machine to the Smart Servo module to start and stop motion sequences or individual motions.

  • Byte 255 (reserved): Returns module info to state machine
  • '[' (ASCII 91): Set Max Velocity.
    • '[' (byte 0) must be followed by six bytes:
      • Byte 1: The channel of the targeted motor
      • Byte 2: The address of the targeted motor on its channel
      • Bytes 3-6: maxVelocity (32-bit float). Units = rev/s
    • If called from the PC via USB, The Smart Servo module returns a byte (1) to confirm that it has finished setting max velocity.
  • ']' (ASCII 93): Set Max Acceleration.
    • '[' (byte 0) must be followed by six bytes:
      • Byte 1: The channel of the targeted motor
      • Byte 2: The address of the targeted motor on its channel
      • Bytes 3-6: maxAcceleration (32-bit float). Units = rev/s^2
    • If called from the PC via USB, The Smart Servo module returns a byte (1) to confirm that it has finished setting max acceleration.
  • 'P' (ASCII 80): Set Goal Position.
    • 'P' (byte 0) must be followed by six bytes:
      • Byte 1: The channel of the targeted motor
      • Byte 2: The address of the targeted motor on its channel
      • Bytes 3-6: position (32-bit float). Units = degrees
    • If called from the PC via USB, The Smart Servo module returns a byte (1) to confirm that it has finished setting the goal position.
    • 'P' command may only be used in controlMode 1 or 2
  • 'G' (ASCII 93): Set Goal Position, Velocity and Acceleration, Supports Blocking Moves.
    • 'G' (byte 0) must be followed by 15 bytes:
      • Byte 1: The channel of the targeted motor
      • Byte 2: The address of the targeted motor on its channel
      • Byte 3: Blocking move (hangs PC command interpreter until movement complete) 1 = blocking, 0 = not
      • Bytes 4-7: goalPosition (32-bit float). Units = degrees
      • Bytes 8-11: maxVelocity (32-bit float). Units = rev/s
      • Bytes 12-15: maxAcceleration (32-bit float). Units = rev/s^2
    • If called from the PC via USB, The Smart Servo module returns a byte (1) to confirm that it has finished setting the goal position.
    • If called from the PC via USB, The Smart Servo module returns a byte (1) to confirm that the motor has reached the goal position.
    • 'G' command may only be used in controlMode 1 or 2
  • 'C' (ASCII 63): Set Goal Position with Current-Limiting.
    • 'C' (byte 0) must be followed by ten bytes:
      • Byte 1: The channel of the targeted motor
      • Byte 2: The address of the targeted motor on its channel
      • Bytes 3-6: position (32-bit float). Units = degrees
      • Bytes 7-10: maxCurrent (32-bit float). Units = mA
    • If called from the PC via USB, The Smart Servo module returns a byte (1) to confirm that it has finished setting the goal position.
    • 'C' command may only be used in controlMode 3
  • 'V' (ASCII 86): Set Fixed Velocity.
    • 'V' (byte 0) must be followed by six bytes:
      • Byte 1: The channel of the targeted motor
      • Byte 2: The address of the targeted motor on its channel
      • Bytes 3-6: fixed velocity (32-bit float). Units = rev/s
    • If called from the PC via USB, The Smart Servo module returns a byte (1) to confirm that it has finished setting the velocity.
    • 'V' command may only be used in controlMode 4
  • 'S' (ASCII 83): Step motor shaft by a given distance.
    • 'S' (byte 0) must be followed by six bytes:
      • Byte 1: The channel of the targeted motor
      • Byte 2: The address of the targeted motor on its channel
      • Bytes 3-6: Distance to step (32-bit float). Units = degrees
    • If called from the PC via USB, The Smart Servo module returns a byte (1) to confirm that it has finished setting the step distance.
    • 'S' command may only be used in controlMode 5
  • 'F' (ASCII 70): Set the motor currently in focus.
    • 'F' (byte 0) must be followed by two bytes:
      • Byte 1: The channel of the targeted motor
      • Byte 2: The address of the targeted motor on its channel
    • If called from the PC via USB, The Smart Servo module returns a byte (1) to confirm that it has finished setting the motor in focus.
  • '>' (ASCII 62): Set the position of the motor currently in focus.
    • '>' (byte 0) must be followed by four bytes:
      • Bytes 1-4: position (32-bit float). Units = degrees
    • If called from the PC via USB, The Smart Servo module returns a byte (1) confirming that it set the position of the motor in focus.
    • '>' command may only be used in controlMode 1 or 2
  • '^' (ASCII 94): Step the motor currently in focus by a given distance.
    • '^' (byte 0) must be followed by four bytes:
      • Bytes 1-4: distanceToStep (32-bit float). Units = degrees
    • If called from the PC via USB, The Smart Servo module returns a byte (1) confirming that it set the position of the motor in focus.
    • '^' command may only be used in controlMode 5
  • 'R' (ASCII 82): Run a motor program.
    • 'R' (byte 0) must be followed by one byte:
      • Byte 1: programID (byte). The index of the program to run
  • 'X' (ASCII 88): Stop a specific motor.
    • 'X' (byte 0) must be followed by two bytes:
      • Byte 1: The channel of the targeted motor
      • Byte 2: The address of the targeted motor on its channel
    • If called from the PC via USB, The Smart Servo module returns a byte (1) confirming that it has stopped the targeted motor.
  • '!' (ASCII 33): Emergency Stop All Motors.
    • '!' (byte 0) does not need to be followed by additional bytes.
    • If called from the PC via USB, The Smart Servo module returns a byte (1) confirming that it has executed the emergency stop.
    • Note that after an emergency stop, motors must be manually re-enabled by setting their controlMode

SerialUSB Command Interface

The SerialUSB command interface allows configuration of the SmartServo module from MATLAB or Python before a trial begins. The SmartServo class for Bpod/MATLAB wraps this interface. The first commands are the same as for the state machine interface, and additional commands follow.

IMPORTANT: All commands sent by USB must be prefixed by byte 212, the op menu access byte. This shields the module from PC-side applications that spam serial ports with character strings (e.g. the Linux modem manager) Commands from the state machine (above) do not require the access byte.

  • Byte 249: Handshake and reset programs
    • The Smart Servo module returns a byte (250) to confirm that it has finished clearing the motor programs.
  • 'M' (ASCII 77): Set Control Mode.
    • 'M' (byte 0) must be followed by one byte:
      • Byte 1: The control mode. Valid modes are:
      • 1: Position [-360 : 360 deg]
      • 2: Extended Position [-92160 : 92160 deg]
      • 3: Current-Limited Position [-92160 : 92160 deg]
      • 4: Speed [-Max : Max rev/s] *Max is motor dependent
      • 5: Step [-Inf : Inf deg]
    • The Smart Servo module returns a byte (1) to the PC, to confirm that it has finished setting the control mode.
  • 'D' (ASCII 68): Discover Motors.
    • 'D' (byte 0) does not need to be followed by additional bytes.
    • The PC-side application must wait 1 second for the module to probe for available motors
    • The module replies with a 6-byte message for each motor found:
    • Motor Channel (byte 0) The channel on the module (1-3)
    • Motor Address (byte 1) The address on the channel (1-3)
    • Motor model (bytes 2-5) A 32-bit unsigned integer indicating the motor model number. Model names can be resolved from a library of model numbers, see MATLAB interface for implementation
  • '&' (ASCII 38): Request version information.
    • '&' (byte 0) must be followed by 8 bytes:
      • Bytes 1-4: Firmware Version (32-bit unsigned int)
      • Bytes 5-8: Hardware Version (32-bit unsigned int)
  • '?' (ASCII 63): Request module information.
    • '?' (byte 0) must be followed by 8 bytes:
      • Bytes 1-4: Number of motor programs supported (32-bit unsigned int)
      • Bytes 5-8: Number of steps per motor program supported (32-bit unsigned int)
  • '%' (ASCII 37): Read motor shaft position.
    • '%' (byte 0) must be followed by 2 bytes:
      • Byte 1: Motor channel on the module (1-3)
      • Byte 2: Motor address on the selected channel (1-3)
    • The module replies with a 4-byte message:
      • Bytes 1-4: The motor position (32-bit float, units = degrees)
  • 'L' (ASCII 76): Load a motor program to the device.

    • '?' (byte 0) must be followed by 3 bytes, plus bytes for each step in the motor program:
    • Byte 1: The index of the motor program (0-255)
    • Byte 2: The number of steps in the motor program (0-255)
    • Byte 3: The movement type contained in the program. 0 = velocity limited, 1 = current limited

    For each step in the motor program:

    • 1 Byte: Target Channel (1-3)

    For each step in the motor program:

    • 1 Byte: Address on Target Channel (1-3)

    For each step in the motor program:

    • 4 Bytes (32-bit float): Goal Position (degrees)

    For each step in the motor program:

    • 4 Bytes (32-bit float): Movement Limit (rev/s or mA depending on byte 3: movement type)

    For each step in the motor program:

    • 4 Bytes (32-bit unsigned int): Step time


    • 4 Bytes (32-bit unsigned int): number of times to loop the program after each trigger (0 = no looping)

    • The Smart Servo module returns a byte (1) to the PC, to confirm that it has finished loading the program.

  • '=' (ASCII 61): Set target motor program for each DIO channel.

    • '=' (byte 0) must be followed by 3 bytes:
    • Bytes 1-3: The target motor program for each DIO channel
    • The Smart Servo module returns a byte (1) to the PC, to confirm that it has finished setting the target programs.
  • '+' (ASCII 43): Set operation for DIO channel rising edge.
    • '+' (byte 0) must be followed by 3 bytes:
    • Bytes 1-3: The rising edge operation (0 = No op, 1 = Start target program, 2 = Stop program, 3 = Emergency stop all motors)
    • The Smart Servo module returns a byte (1) to the PC, to confirm that it has finished setting the rising edge operation.
  • '-' (ASCII 45): Set operation for DIO channel falling edge.
    • '-' (byte 0) must be followed by 3 bytes:
    • Bytes 1-3: The rising edge operation (0 = No op, 1 = Start target program, 2 = Stop program, 3 = Emergency stop all motors)
    • The Smart Servo module returns a byte (1) to the PC, to confirm that it has finished setting the falling edge operation.
  • '~' (ASCII 126): Set debounce interval for DIO inputs.
    • '~' (byte 0) must be followed by 12 bytes:
    • Bytes 1-12: The debounce interval (unsigned 32-bit integer, units = multiple of 100-microsecond hardware timer)
    • The Smart Servo module returns a byte (1) to the PC, to confirm that it has finished setting the debounce interval.
  • 'T' (ASCII 84): Read a value from the Dynamixel control table.
    • 'T' (byte 0) must be followed by 3 bytes:
    • Byte 1: Motor channel on the module (1-3)
    • Byte 2: Motor address on the selected channel (1-3)
    • Byte 3: The control table address
    • The module replies with a 4-byte message:
      • Bytes 1-4: The control table value (32-bit unsigned integer)
  • 'I' (ASCII 73): Set the motor address.
    • 'I' (byte 0) must be followed by 3 bytes:
    • Byte 1: Motor channel on the module (1-3)
    • Byte 2: The target motor address on the selected channel (1-3)
    • Byte 3: The new motor address on the selected channel (1-3)
    • The module replies with a 1-byte message:
      • Byte 1: Confirmation byte (1 if set successfully, 0 if not)


Run motor program #4 using an ArCOM serial object in MATLAB:

A = ArCOMObject('COM3', 115200);

A.write(['R' 3], 'uint8'); % Remember that on the Arduino side, motor programs are 0-indexed!

clear A

Run motor program #4 from the Bpod state machine

sma = NewStateMachine();

sma = AddState(sma, 'Name', 'RunProgram', ...
    'Timer', 0.1,...
    'StateChangeConditions', {'Tup', 'exit'},...
    'OutputActions', {'SmartServo1', ['R' 3]});

RawEvents = RunStateMachine;